
遊學最快樂的時光- 黃昱富 (Eric)


  • 今天我從學校畢業了,每天在ECSL學習真的很開心。我很感謝所有我在加拿大遇到的人與事物。也很謝謝我的遊學代辦: 茱莉安遊學顧問工作室,他們真的是最棒的代辦,幫忙我很多事情。我很開心我可以趕在下大雪前,回到台灣。我的好朋友們,我們台灣見面囉。
  • Christmas Holiday is my most favorite holiday in Canada. Christmas (Baby Please Come home) is my most favorite Christmas song. When I listened to it at home, I always thought of that night. My friends and I went to see the Christmas Tree Lighting at the Grand Parade. That night was my happiest night of my life.
  • Christmas is the season of missing someone. When I closed my eyes to listen to the song again, I thought of all my friends in Canada. I remember the time we had many outside classes at waterfront, Public Gardens, Pier 21 museum and the Maritime Command Museum. I remember the time after school we went to library to study or prepare for our speaking test. I remember the time we went traveling to Peggy’s Cove, Lunenburg , Mahone Bay, PEI and Cape Breton.
  • Christmas is the season of thanksgiving. I was taught by David, Don, Cindy, Donna (Princess Donna), Ian, Wendy and Steve. They were very patient, approachable and passionate. Thanks to all of my teachers for teaching me English and sharing their experiences.
  • All of my classmates are really amazing and friendly. Every day, I tried my best to practice what we learned from school. Thanks to my classmates for being so forbearing to practice English with me. Thanks to them for appreciating my jokes because now they can get my jokes quickly. Ha. Ha. Because of my lovely teachers and classmates, after school I always told my teacher: Wendy, “Is class finished today? I want to study more.” Every day, I really enjoyed studying English with them at ECSL. Additionally, I lived with the best home stay family. Dan and Diana cooked delicious suppers. They always looked after me very well. Thanks to Dan and Diana for everything you have done.
  • Christmas holiday is time to go home. I am leaving Halifax tomorrow. Next Christmas, I will stay in Taiwan. I am going to miss my friends. Take care! Wish all of my friends good luck for their journey ahead.
  • 我覺得很幸運可以到Halifax學習,在這裡每天都有新的挑戰,ECSL的學生大部份來自亞洲,有韓國、日本和阿拉伯,我很喜歡學校的環境,老師和同學都很親切好相處,跟這些可愛的同學們相處,也讓我發現原來我自己對亞洲國家這麼陌生。

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  • 以下是我這三個月來印象最深刻的幾件事情。
  • 第一次用自己的破爛英文跟home媽爭辯台灣和中國是不一樣的國家,頓時發現自己的英文這時候會講的特別溜。當然不用擔心,這裡的homestay family很好相處的啦,每天我的home爸,home媽會幫我檢查我學校的功課哦。哈哈。


  • 第一次體驗鏟雪的樂趣,並且第一次適應這邊大雪的生活。我剛來的前二天,鼻血狂流,後來才發現是不適應吹暖氣,太乾燥了。(後來抹了凡士林就好了。)
  • 第一次在路上被阿拉伯人大聲咆哨(我覺得他應該是阿拉伯人),雖然當下心情很不愉快,但也讓我體驗到不同的文化衝擊。
  • 另外,這裡的當地人都蠻親切,好相處。當地的居民非常的熱心,好幾次他們看到我在找路,他們會主動地問你需不需要幫忙。Halifax的生活機能相當方便,有很方便的公車系統。因為不是大都市,所以他們的生活步調又比較悠閒。


  • 最後,非常感謝茱莉安遊學顧問工作室的夥伴們,他們真的非常的棒,很熱心又很親切幫我解決所有的困惑。有一次我韓國的同學自己在訂機票,我非常的驚訝且好奇問她,不是代辦會幫我們訂好機票嗎?? 她才說他們得要自已訂機票,因為我一直以為是代辦會幫我們訂好,後來才發現是只有茱莉安工作室有這樣這麼完善且專業的服務。真的非常謝謝這些顧問哦。



加拿大留學心得 / 遊學英文心得分享 / 留學代辦費用 / 加拿大留學準備 / 留學代辦 / 留學代辦推薦 / 台灣留學代辦 / 留學代辦 / 遊學學到什麼 / 加拿大遊學心得 / 遊學經驗分享 / 遊學英文 / 海外遊學 / 加拿大遊學推薦 / 遊學 /  遊學費用 / 遊學是什麼 / 加拿大遊學